Visionary Virtual Welcoming Reception Featuring PB&B

October 20th, 2020 @ 2:00pm EST

About this event

Visionary is selectively extending additional invitations into our burgeoning arranged meeting network, followed by private meetings. Please RSVP and take the Access Survey, and our team will provide a recorded welcoming presentation of our featured member.


Industry: Medtech, Medical Aesthetics, Dermatology, Plastic Surgery

Visionary Member: Anthony Aho, CEO & Co-Founder of PB&B Ltd. ( Facial & Body Remodeling Medical Technology.


  • PB&B’s novel injectable technology allows plastic surgeons and dermatologists to enhance fat tissue volume with lipids to naturally remodel facial and body areas.
  • Patent granted to date in 9 countries (USA, Japan, Korea,…) with all claims and applications. Full FTO (Freedom-to-Operate).
  • Developed by an international team of plastic surgeons and bioengineers, clinical testing will begin in Q4-2020 towards an FDA approval + CE mark expected by the end of 2022-23.
  • PB&B has won numerous innovation and startup awards, including the IMCAS Innovation of the Year award 2018 (largest global medical aesthetics congress – Paris, France).
  • 3 Innovation government grants approved based on innovation & market potential.
  • PB&B is raising a $5 MM Series B1 (30% already funded) and $18M in total Series B funding for FDA approval. Funding to date: $5.4 million.

Currently Seeking: $3.5 Series B1 funding for clinical pilot trial.

Zoom link will be provided after registration.
October 20th, 2020 @ 2:00pm EST
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